I theorize I'm on the rise

Jack Rye

No one bothers to ask where an orphan comes from. War and famine and hunger pull them from thin air, thrusting them out into the cold with a pat on the head. Maybe he had a true name once. Maybe he had a family who loved him. Maybe he had a noble father who took advantage of a serving girl. When all is said and done, it hardly matters. Jack slips in and out of the corners of society, lingering in shadows and drawing little attention. He reveals nothing and asks for less.

name. Unknown
identity. Jack Rye
age. Mid thirties
birthplace. Ishgard
gender. Male (He/Him)
race. Half-elezen, half-hyur
affiliation. None anymore
alignment. Chaotic Neutral
orientation. Bisexual and polyamorous

height 70 ilms (around 5'10)
build. Lithe but toned, in need of a good meal
hair. Dark brown, cut short as if he's done it himself
eyes. Eerie silver-gray
skin. Fair and free of birthmarks
markings. Several across his face, the rest are hidden
modifications. Pierced ears, the rest are hidden
attire. Simple dark clothing, often ragged
tools. Twinblades

demeanor. At first glance, perfectly polite with his moments of charm. He is careful with his words, often giving himself many seconds of thought before he responds in conversation. There are times he can seem withdrawn and moody, though usually a drink or two is enough to draw him out of his shell and back into conversation. He speaks with a very noticeable stutter, which grows more pronounced when stressed or intoxicated.body language. Distracted gaze, crossed arms, scratching at his jaw. He can seem nervous at first glance.likes. Music, poetry, being left to his own devices, drinking.dislikes. Water, religious discussions, thinking too much.

motivations. Jack craves validation and perfection, going to extreme lengths in order to avoid potential punishment. More than anything he craves purpose in his life, and seems to be floundering to try and find that.detriments. The search for perfection drives his anxiety. He drinks to cope or indulges in other risky and impulsive behavior in order to not think.fears. Aquaphobia, imperfection/failure.

Plot Hooks

halonic guilt. Jack is a devout follower of Halone, and spent the last few years trying to navigate life in Ishgard following the end of the Dragonsong war. He doesn't particularly like to discuss his faith, even with like-minded people, but regardless he often finds common ground and comradery with others of similar beliefs.troubled past. While he keeps most of his past close to his chest (including his true name), there are rumors of his past activities. He's been accused of being everything from an assassin to a plant to a run-of-the-mill charlatan. Feel free to make up stories of his exploits. Some of them may even be true.heavy drinker. It's not uncommon to find Jack with a drink in hand, or to already be drunk when he wanders in somewhere. Those who are happy to enable his terrible coping mechanisms will find a friend. He tends to shrug off people who don't.

The Writer

My name is Adrian and I have been writing in various places way longer than I care to admit. I am a full time student, and sometimes that takes up some of my attention. I use they/them pronouns.Jack's story revolves around triggering themes, including murder, abuse, neglect, and torture. Feel free to ask if you want to know details, and I will do my best not to spring these topics on you without warning.I will not interact with writers or characters under the age of 18.

Plotlines I Like:
- Intrigue and mystery
- Combat
- Heist shenanigans
- Drama

Things I avoid:
- ERP with people I don't know well
- Slice of life (on Jack at least)
- WOL-centric storylines